About Company

Company EJMI International, Podnart, d.o.o., is a company with more then 25-year tradition. Through all those years, the company has been successful. The company is, as it’s name reveals, “international orientated” and is operating on almost all international markets, especially on South-Eastern European markets and markets of the European Union.


Business of the company is wide, as it comprises wholesale, especially in metal processing industry, representation and brokerage agent services for smaller companies, as well as international corporations. The company also offers logistical support – itself as well as in co-operation with external partners. Based on long years of experience in business, the company also does business and corporate consulting.

Our company has also gained and sustanins ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certificates. With that, we show our commitment to quality and to our partners, as well as commitment to the environment which we are cohabiting and the workplace.

In adition to the written, in 2017, we have also obtained "Bisnode AAA" certificate - Highest Creditworthness Rating and in 2019 were awarded the "Bisnode AAA" GOLDEN certificate.

We see this as an aditional proof of our stability and credibility as a business partner.





Podjetje EJMI International, Podnart, d.o.o., je podjetje z več kot 25 letno tradicijo poslovanja. Skozi vsa ta leta je podjetje poslovalo uspešno. Podjetje je »mednarodno naravnano« in deluje na skoraj vseh mednarodnih trgih, še posebno pa na trgih Jugovzhodne Evrope in Evropske Unije.


Dejavnost podjetja je široka, saj obsega dejavnosti trgovine na debelo, in sicer predvsem v kovinsko-predelovalni industriji, storitve posredništva in zastopništva tako za manjša podjetja, kot za mednarodne korporacije, podjetje izvaja tudi logistično podporo v sodelovanju z raznimi domačimi ter tujimi prevozniki in špedicijami, ter vrši marketinške storitve - samostojno, kot tudi v sodelovanju z zunanjimi partnerji. Na osnovi dolgoletnih izkušenj, podjetje izvaja tudi storitev podjetniškega in poslovnega svetovanja tako v gospodarstvu kot tudi v politiki.

Naše podjetje je pridobilo in vzdržuje tudi certifikate ISO 9001, ISO 14001 in OHSAS 18001. S tem kažemo zavezanost kakovosti in predanosti našim partnerjem, okolju v katerem sobivamo in delujemo.

Kot dokaz in dodatek k navedenemu priča tudi dejstvo, da smo v letu 2017 pridobili najvišjo oceno ter "AAA Certifikat" bonitetne hiše Bisnode v letu 2019 pa ZLATO "Bisnode 2019" oceno odličnosti.

To vidimo kod dodaten dokaz naše stabilnosti in kredibilnosti poslovnega partnerstva.